We founded DeWeese & Bae, LLC, for one purpose: to meet the legal needs of small and mid-sized businesses in Alabama. As former large firm and large company lawyers, it is our experience that this sector has been traditionally underserved by the legal industry. Small and mid-sized businesses often cannot hire large law firms on a cost-effective basis and sometimes feel overshadowed by the big businesses who are large law firms' core clientele. And yet, small and mid-sized businesses are often more acutely exposed to legal issues than their larger counterparts. It is rare that a lawsuit or unfavorable government action poses a serious threat to a multinational corporate giant, but for a small business, failure to properly manage legal risk can easily cause the company to fail. Keeping the above concerns in mind, we have structured our firm so as to provide the best possible service to the small and mid-sized market.
Our combined experience allows us to meet all the typical needs for a small business. Whether you need help selecting the right entity or resolving governance issues during formation; negotiating contracts with employees or suppliers; selling or purchasing businesses or assets; or defending your interests in a dispute, we have the knowledge and experience to help.
Our fees are predictable and transparent. We understand the need for our clients to predict expenses and budget accordingly. We are often able to accommodate flat fee, capped fee, and, in certain circumstances contingency or success fee arrangements.
Small and mid-size businesses are the focus of our legal practice. We strive to treat every client like our only client. Unlike large law firms, where attorney hours must be fully maximized to cover massive overhead, we have significant flexibility built into our everyday workflow patterns. We can be more responsive to emergencies, and can devote the time and attention to matters that our clients deserve.
-Richard DeWeese & Yurie Bae